Donations to Hood River Adopt a Dog help heal dogs and find homes for those who have run out of options. Your gift can save hundreds of shelter dogs each year. Carry on your compassion for animals through a gift from your will, retirement plan or living trust. Legacy gifts help provide the foundation for Hood River Adopt a Dog’s work. These gifts allow you to take care of your family, provide gifts to loved ones, and include a charitable gift to Hood River Adopt a Dog. We would be glad to discuss any giving option with you in confidence and without obligation. Estate gifts make a tremendous beneficial impact on our organization and the lives of dogs.

Please consider making a Planned Donation or Bequest to Hood River Adopt A Dog to help us in our vision to create a community with no pet homelessness.

For information on gift strategies that can help support Hood River Adopt a Dog and provide significant benefits to you and your family contact the President of our Board of Directors at

More About Planned Giving:

What is planned giving?

Simply put, Planned Giving is the process of making a significant charitable gift to an organization over the course of your life or as part of your estate planning. This could mean committing to a generous annual gift outside of any single initiative or making a donation to a charitable organization through trusts, wills, and financial plans.

Remember: Planned Giving is an ongoing process, not a set of products.

How can you help us?

  • Commit to a significant annual gift
  • Name Hood River Adopt A Dog as a beneficiary of a will or living trust
  • Name Hood River Adopt A Dog as a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy
  • Establish a Charitable Lead Trust

Bequest Options

  • Specific Bequest: A specific dollar amount, percentage of estate, or property to be given to HRAAD
  • Residuary Bequest: The residual portion of assets after the other terms of a will have been satisfied
  • Contingency Bequest: A portion of your estate and assets to be given to HRAAD in the event that a beneficiary does not survive the primary
  • Restricted Bequest: Designate a gift to HRAAD with clear terms of how the gift will be used, such as for dog medical expenses, building upkeep, staff support, etc.

Special thanks to Benefactors, Ross and Daphne Hukari, for their generous gift which enabled Hood River Adopt A Dog to own a space that continues to provide safety and shelter for our dogs

Thanks to Bette Johnson and Bud Sewell, whose individual bequests to HRAAD have helped support us for years