About Us


Our purpose is to be a safety net for Gorge dogs.

We provide high quality care for all dogs during their stay at the Hukari Animal Shelter. We provide adoption support services for Gorge dogs needing a permanent home which in turn reduces euthanasia and we are a resource for local dog owners.

Adopt A Dog Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization. We work closely with the Hood River County Animal Control and Sheriff’s Office to provide every dog housed at the Hukari Animal Shelter high quality care during his or her stay.

Since our inception in mid 2007, Hood River Adopt A Dog (HRAAD) has cared for thousands of canine shelter guests at an average of 275 per year. For those we have not been able to find homes for we have found alternative placements for rehabilitation and eventual adoption.

Just last year…

Buddies saved
Homeless, lost, abandoned, and unwanted dogs came to us when they had nowhere else to turn
Years of helping local dogs
Dogs surrendered
We realize there are time when owners can no longer care for their pet and we know how difficult a decision surrendering a pet can be. We are here to help people with the process of re-homing their pet.
Families completed
We are proud to be a place where dogs and people find love.
Active Fosters

From the beginning, it has always “been for the dogs”.

In 2007, Hood River County completed construction of its first animal shelter.  The construction funds were provided by a generous bequest from Ross and Daphne Hukari.  Prior to this time, stray dogs were transported to Southwest Humane Society in Vancouver, WA for adoption by PROD volunteers.  In addition to this service, PROD was involved for many years providing spay/neuter funds, dog placement, and education in the Hood River County schools.

Adopt a Dog was created and operated the adoption services for dogs that did not get reunited with their owners. These volunteers became the Adopt A Dog county committee which helped establish the programs that ensured the loving care of the dogs being housed at the shelter, including walks, feeding, socialization, medical treatment, shelter cleaning, vaccinations and spay/neuter prior to being adopted out.

The HRAAD professional crew and dedicated volunteers have provided thousands of hours of their time to help hundreds of dogs find safe haven within the shelter and in foster homes. They have cared for the numerous dogs that were housed until they could be returned to their original owners. The HRAAD crew has and continues to provide information to the public about where to find their lost dogs and how to provide proper care and love to their dogs.

Our Partners

We’re thankful to the many people and organizations that support us with their time, talent, services and donations.

Our Staff

We are staffed by a small dedicated and skilled team and supported by a group of wonderful volunteers.

Laura Spinney

Director of Operations








Our Board

Board members collaboratively oversee the strategic activities of HRAAD. The Board is responsible for exercising the powers, duties and responsibilities determined by the organization’s bylaws.

  • Molly Searcy, President
  • Amy Mallett
  • Michele Thomson
  • Lorraine Lyons
  • Sharla Weber Mosqueda
  • Gary Huck