Become a Board Member
Do you want to help Gorge dogs and give back to the community?
Board members serve as a member of the Hood River Adopt A Dog (HRAAD) Board of Directors that collaboratively oversees the strategic activities of the Adopt A Dog organization. The Board is responsible for exercising the powers, duties and responsibilities determined by the organization’s bylaws.

The Board is responsible for establishing and implementing the Strategic Plan and monitoring the progress of established goals and objectives in the plan. Responsibilities also include ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management, and overseeing fundraising and resource development. The Board approves and monitors HRAAD’s programs and services and works to enhance its image in the community. The board also assesses its own performance as the governing body.For foster homes, HRAAD supplies starter food, bedding, dog crate if needed, veterinary care and behavioral advice. You supply your time, affection and the love and attention the dog needs.
Interested in fostering one of our dogs? Submit an application today!