Foster a Dog

Share your love!

Hood River Adopt a Dog (HRAAD) needs people who can offer our adoptable dogs temporary homes while we work to find them permanent ones. No matter how hard our staff and volunteers work to provide excellent care in the shelter, it can’t compare to living in a loving home environment.

By making a commitment to foster a dog, you can truly change the life of a homeless pet. Fostering a dog in your home allows us to place our dogs into safe & loving homes while they await their permanent adoptive homes.

By fostering one of our adoptable dogs, you help to increase their chance of being successfully adopted. Some dogs have never had a regular routine or schedule, so by fostering you greatly assist them in adapting to a home environment – sometimes for their first time. We have found that after spending time in foster care, these dogs are healthier and happier, which means they are better prepared to be adopted by a loving family.

Foster stays may be anywhere from a week, three months or more. Foster animals are matched with foster parents based on the individual needs of the pet and the experience, preference and availability of foster parents.
For foster homes, HRAAD supplies starter food, bedding, dog crate if needed, veterinary care and behavioral advice. You supply your time, affection and the love and attention the dog needs.

Interested in fostering one of our dogs? Submit an application today!